6 – 8 years
Mondays 6pm – 7pm
For fun, friends, activities and skills
Leaders Joelle Bailey, Sue Jones and Peter Blayney
2022 – The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2nd – 4th June

May 2022 – We went to Trooping the Colour


Still in Covid period. We got back to some Scouting together including a canoeing trip to ESSA in the Lea Valley for some kayaking. The Cubs went in the Canadian canoes and the Beavers tried out the double hull Katakanus


We are delighted to have awarded the prized Chief Scout Bronze award to Alessandro and, Mateo. Rafael has just earned his too and it will be awarded soon. Well done Beavers!
Aashray and Niall have moved up to Cubs.
We came second in the district Dominoes competition, which we ran at the 11th Southgate with the kind help of Sarah Brandi. Beaver Sienna was the individual winner and is looking after the trophy until next year.

We were delighted to have a visit from Assistant Beaver Leader Vicky (Brown Beaver) and her lovely baby daughter. We can’t wait to see them again.
We started holding Beavers online on 23rd March.
The Beavers are working hard on their badges at the same time as having fun. They made bookmarks for Mothers’ Day, are working on their Book Reader, Cook, Gardening, Space, Creator and other badges.

Our Young Leader, Hawkeye earned his Young Leader Belt. Congratulations and thank you so much for all your help.
Young Leader Rusty moved on to start work but is back helping the Scouts. Thank you so much for all your help and fun games.
We held the second Beaver Sleepover with help from Assistant Scout Leader Darryl Ashing. Thank you so much Darryl.