8 – 10 1/2 years
Thursdays 6.45pm – 8.15pm
Geraldine Palfreman
Cub Section News.
Have you visited our Library??
If you come into the H.Q. you will find a bookshelf full of books for group members to borrow!
At this time they are mainly suitable for beavers and cubs but donations are welcome for books suitable for all of our members.
Above the bookshelf you will find the requirements for the Beaver and Cub Book Readers Badge. Sadly no such badge for Scouts.
These books are freely available for young people to borrow. We are working on an honour based system so no need to check them in and out. Please feel free to borrow a book and then return it or swap a book for one that you have finished with at home.
We do hope our young people will enjoy reading and swapping these books and perhaps gaining their Book Readers Badge.
October 2024
This time of year the District run an event call Cub Trek – an 8K orbiteering competition. Sadly we were not able to enter a team this year.
Programme wise. We have been taking care of wildlife by making bird feeders with pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed! It was also an opportunity to introduce many cubs to the thrill of playing conkers!.
September 2024
Sadly we did not have enough members that wanted to play 5-a-side football to enter this years District Competition.
We started the term by having a “charity” crazy golf evening and raising £30-00 for Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. We hope to be raising more funds later this term and we will then present the hospice with the sum raised.
Our programmes since the beginning of term have have been about Road Safety – going out for a walk and looking at safe ways to cross roads. A littler pick was also undertaken . We then turned our attention to learning some navigation skills. Learning how to use a compass, read a map, understand grid references etc.
July 2024
Cub Camp. July is here ant camp has finally arrived. This year a new venue Northern Heights.
Everyone appreciated the accommodation, outdoor camping and all of the activities and facilities at this camp site. Unfortunately we didn’t appreciate the rainy weather quite as much. But, it didn;t dampen our spirits too much. We got through everything on our planned programme except the outdoor cooking.

June 2024
More outdoor activities. We did a Trent Park walk and quiz, made some collages using natural materials collected on our walk and thought about how to be safe when out on the streets.
May 2024
This months involves lots of sports practice in readiness for our District Sports day. No wins but great fun.
April 2024
April is when we celebrate St George’s Day and all renew our Promise many of our cubs celebrated by attending the Activity Fun Day at Tolmers. and renewing their Promise with many other cubs, beavers and scouts from all over the District.
It was also time for some pop’s bubbles and fizzing during a Science based evening.
March 2024
We managed to enter 1 team for the District Chess this year.
Well done to everyone that took part.
October 2023
19th October. This evening we had a guest speaker from the Leprosy Mission. It was an interesting evening and we all learnt something new.

To help support the work of the Leprosy Mission the cubs were set a challenge for the half term – “Odd shoe day Tuesday”. Watch this space to see how they did.
UPDATE: We raised £133-00 with our Odd She Day Tuesday.
Cub Trek 2023. 9/10/23. An annual District organised event. We entered two teams this year and they came joint 8th and 10th – out of 24 teams! There was just 1 point between our two teams. The very pleasing aspect was that both teams did very, very well in answering the grid reference and compass questions and of course the map reading, as they didn’t get lost. It just proves that they do listen and learn at pack meetings. Well done everyone.
September 2023
It was time to say farewell to 6 of our cubs who are moving on to new adventures with the Troop. We are very proud to report that all six managed to complete their Chief Scout Silver Award, and these were cubs that started the section during lockdown. Well done: Shamaya Gitu, Gabriella Kyriacou, Zachary Todd, Oliver Klempa, Sophia Beer, Olivia Gee.
District 5-a-side football competition.
We entered two teams and actually made it into the Southgate District history books!!! We entered the first ever all female team for the District 5-a-side competition.
The girls team lost in the semi finals of their competition and the mixed team lost in the final on penalties in the middle competition. Great job !.
September 2023

July 2023
End of term is upon us. To finish off a busy year we had a fun evening, shelter building in the woods.
June 2023
It is camp time again.
Once again we returned to Well End and this year had the place to ourselves. That was great and we all had a super weekend.
A few images form camp:

May 2023
Cub Camp 2023. Well End – Borehamwood. Herts. 30th June 2023.
This year camp clashed with some other activities and we had a smaller number than usual. Having said that, it was actually quite nice and gave us a bit more time with those that did attend. We had 16 cubs camping out and having a great time.
This years theme was a Spy training camp ! We had a wide range of activities including rifle shooting, climbing, pioneering, hiking., backwoods cooking and generally having a lot of fun.
May 2023
District Sports Day 2023. I think the largest contingent ever! We split into three teams – all did well and the cubs had loads of fun in the sunshine.
One team coming in 2nd place overall. Well done everyone. All the practice paid off.
April 2023
The beginning of our Summer term. But where is the sun ?
It is April and therefore the term began with a reminder about some of our saints days with particular emphasis on St George. St Georges day activities were popular as usual with 13 cubs able to attend the District event this year. A fun day out with of course the Promise Renewal ceremony at the end.

Also congratulations to three cub Leaders who were surprised with Merit Awards from the Scout association. Congratulations Ruth and Steve Nixon and Derek Langley! well deserved.
April continued with some practice for Sports Day and work towards the Athlete Badge.
March 2023
Another term has been and gone. It has been a difficult one being very short on Leaders. But, we managed a varied programme including Recycling – Faith badgework – Chinese New Year – Chef Badge – Home help skills – Easter crafts. Lots of badges achieved.
The District Swimming Gala was in March and we entered two teams. A very busy night with quite a few excellent swimmers !! Well done everyone – another 2nd place achieved.

February 2023
Time for District Chess.
We did not have many takers this year and had to enter a scratch team to join with another pack.
Hopefully more chess players for 2024.
December 2022
As another term and indeed another years, draws to a close we took the opportunity to finish with a bang. We had a cub party. And a great party it was.
We thank Luke Bunton for the sound system and disco lights – it made for a great atmosphere.
We had some good old fashioned party games, finger foods and fun group dances.

It has been a busy year – playing catch up with badgework after covid and trying to prepare the cubs moving on to the Scout Section.
Having invested 12 new cubs over the course of the year we did say farewell to a few with all of them managing to achieve their Chief Scout Silver Award – congratulations go to Claudia Hamilton, Mateo Popovic and Alessandro Coles. More to come early next year!.
In all 312 badges were awarded over the year including 52 Challenge Badges, 111 activity badges (various) 107 Staged Badges 9various) , 12 membership badges, 16 Joining in badges (representing years in scouting) and 9 stripes!!!.
November 2022
As Armistice Day got closer we turned our attention to remembrance. We learnt about the important role of Trent Park House during WWII. The home of the “Secret Listeners”! It is very interesting. For more information visit: Trent Park House.
We had a quiz where the questions were asked via QR codes and then we turned our hand to making some poppy wreaths to add to our display. We hope you liked it.

October 2022
Congratulations to all three teams for completing this year’s District Cub Trek event.
The weather was kind to us, and all three teams finished the course. And it looks like they all had a great time.
Science night ————— just waiting for the explosion !!!
September 2022
First District Event of this new scouting year – 5-a-side football.
A win – The Brian Whinling Trophy.
Well done cubs – an excellent start.
July 2022
Group Activity Day.
Sadly, this ended up clashing with the Trent School Fair but those that did attend had a fantastic day. They made full use of the activities booked and no queueing!!

June 2022
This month we thought we would try something a little different and decided to cook pizzas in a cardboard box! It can be done.
We made our cardboard ovens one week, with large boxes and loads of tin foil. The following week we came straight in and lit our tea lights – and then placed our pizzas on a grille balanced on some bricks.
By the end of the evening our pizzas were cooked and ready to eat. We can all cope in a power cut !!!
However, the best was yet to come CUB CAMP.
Finally, we could return to our weekend camp at Well End. It got a bit wet at times, but we had a fun weekend.
May 2022
This year we were lucky enough to have tickets for the Trooping the Colour ceremony – in Jubilee Year too.
The weather was kind to us and although it was a long day it was great fun.
May is also the Month for the District Sports Day.
It was held in Oakhill Park this year and so very local for us. The sun shone down on us and it was a lovely afternoon. No trophies but a couple of medals.
April 2022
April and therefore St George’s day.
Another activity day and the chance for cubs to try something new.

March 2022
The district swimming gala is the main event this month. We had 15 swimmers this year. A grand effort by all with a few medals won but sadly no trophy this year.
November 2021
November is always dominated by two events. Guy Fawkes Nights and Armistice Day
We started early with a little art type project for Armistice Day collecting the bottoms of plastic bottles and painting them and painting some stones. We then spent the 11th of the 11th assembling our small tribute. We hope you all got to see it and liked what we did. Thank you to the beavers for their poppy wreaths.
We started early with a little art type project for Armistice Day collecting the bottoms of plastic bottles and painting them and painting some stones. We then spent the 11th of the 11th assembling our small tribute. We hope you all got to see it and liked what we did. Thank you to the beavers for their poppy wreaths.

We decided to make some Guys this year and we managed to get enough clothes and materials together to make one each ! It was chaos but enormous fun. Everyone went home with a Guy although some did need a bit of finishing, mainly connecting the body to the legs

October 2021
Cub Trek 8. 17th October 2021
This is a fantastic event taking the cubs on long hike around the countryside following instructions, reading maps, using their knowledge of bearings and grid references. Using a compass and practising headings and bearings.
This is a fantastic event taking the cubs on long hike around the countryside following instructions, reading maps, using their knowledge of bearings and grid references. Using a compass and practising headings and bearings.
There were 17 teams in total from all over the District. Three of those were from the 11th Southgate! The last few Pack meetings were not wasted we finished with one team in 4th place and the other two in joint 7th place. Only 4 points between them. Well done everyone and a huge thank you to the Leaders and the parents that for taking the cubs out on this little adventure.

District 5 -a side. The first District event for so long………………………..
3rd October 2021: We managed to get a team together and the cubs have a wonderful afternoon. We actually won a trophy to. Well done everyone.

September 2021
WE ARE BACK! Thankfully we have managed to get to the stage where pack meetings are almost normal. We are meeting as we always did in the H.Q. each week, albeit with little tweaks: hand sanitiser, open doors and windows etc.
The cubs seem to be having fun although it is a struggle to get them back into proper, full uniform. So many scarves are being forgotten.
Our programme has been ” back to basics” reminding everyone, including me of signs and ceremonies and getting to know each other again. We then spent time focussing on our map reading and compass skills preparing for one of two District events in October. We have a District football tournament coming up and the wonderful Cub Trek 8.
We also said goodbye to quite a few cubs! Most of them moving on to the Scout section and a number of them having achieved their CSSA as mentioned below.
August 2021
During June and July we did finally manage to get back to running some Pack meetings in the H.Q. We tried to keep within the rules by taking some activities , some of the children, outside for part of the evening. A big thank you to all the parents and people dropping off and collecting for being so helpful and co-operating with Covid restrictions.

The end of the term went well and we concentrated on the badge work required for the CSSA for those cubs that will be shortly leaving us. I am pleased to say that with a bit of work done at home and some creative thinking, most of them managed to achieve this award. They deserve credit for the enthusiasm and hard work put in over such a difficult period. Well done to Oliver Hodosei-Leon, Gracie Jennings, Ben Jones, Eisa Alibhai and Cameron Gibbs.
We also had a large number of cubs return to the fold, having not been able to join us on-line PLUS we had lost of new cubs join us from outside the group. Our numbers are currently very good indeed and excellent considering the difficult period we have all been through. Scouting is alive and well in Cockfosters!
July 2021
In July we managed to book an outdoor activity day at Well End. We were hoping to have our annual camp it but wasn’t to be.
We had 20 cubs come out for the day for some outdoor fun and games a camp fire and some backwoods cooking. The weather was kind to us and it was a great day out.

May 2021
Adventurous activities are back on the menu.
At an event kindly organised by Joelle our Beaver Leader a number of beavers and cubs had an afternoon on the water at ESSA. Looks like a good time was had by all.

May 2021
Wow what a time it has been.
After spending so much time on-line it is great to be back together again.
Albeit for our first 4 meetings we plan to meet outdoors – but I think that is just what both the cubs and leaders enjoyed about it most. Good old fashioned fun in the great outdoors.
Some beavers moved up to cubs during the lockdown and had an Investiture on-line. We therefore decide to do a Renewal of Promise ceremony for them in person! What better place to do this than in woods!
Some images here from our first couple of meetings.

Some rocks painted by cubs in lockdown.

Cubs also got on with some gardening, took part in the big bird count and the star count . The star count helped them with their Astronomers badge. They also did a fair amount of cooking and quizzes. AND, some cubs entered the District on-line quiz. And came first!!!
Well done Khalil;, Oliver and Alessandro a small but obviously very good team.
December 2020
The winter term has now come to an end and what a term it has been.
Continually hoping to be able to get back to face to face scouting, even completing a required risk assessment and plan for an outing but being thwarted at the last minute. But we soldiered on.

On most evenings we had between 12 and 15 cubs on-line with our newest cubs, those invested on-line during this term and last being the most enthusiastic. So much so that Mateo and Alesssandro achieved 100% attendance this term and were duly rewarded with a little surprise certificate.
Over this time of on-line scouting we have invested 6 new cubs. We welcomed Mateo Popavic, Alessandro Coles, Jake Duddy, Sienna Pigen, Claudia Hamilton and Olivia Gee.
We have also said goodbye to some excellent cubs scouts who we will all miss. Good luck and best wishes to Beulah Tilley, Shekhinah Gitu, Elsie Houghton-Hardy and Savannah Gopala who, with a little bit of extra work and help from family, all managed to complete their Chief scout Silver Award along with Claudio Aivinhenyi, who although having joined us only a few months before lockdown managed a good few badges!
We even managed, with parents permission, to have an outdoor ceremony that was viewed on-line by the rest of the pack.
For the rest of the pack we have tried a number of different activities some that went better than others but on the whole I think the cubs enjoyed them. The activities included cooking pizzas and cup cakes. We managed map and compass activities including co-ordinates. We even had a go at some knots, some fun ones, like tying a knot without letting go of the rope and even making a knot with just one hand. And, I have to confess to my great surprise, even the younger cubs managed to get the hang of a reef knot and most of them also a sheet bend.

We made some remembrance poppy wreaths and learnt about the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. We did some firework safety which linked in to a little bit of emergency aid. We also had a guest that helped us to draw a fantastic imaginary creature.
All of our activities were achieved using a variety of methods, sometimes video’s and quizzes sometimes on line scavenger hunts and also with items sent out in activity boxes, ensuring that all cubs had the same items to hand for the evening.
But it cannot be all work and no play and so we had a great evening when we turned off the video feeds and all dressed in a disguise before coming back on line and had to guess who was who! We then attached to our bodies or held up our glo sticks and turned out the lights and we danced and sang together. Great fun. We played quizzes and games, challenged the cubs to eat a biscuit placed on their noses without using their hands – great fun to watch – and on our last evening had a game of Family Fortunes with team Bagheera and team Hathi – and it was a draw!
I have added below a few of the screen shots taken during our evenings.

We are all hoping that we will soon all be back together again.
Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to all.
23rd August 2020.
We are currently on a very short 2 week break from on-line scouting and so time to catch up.
Many of the cubs have been logging on regularly and have deservedly earned their Digital Citizen Badge. We have also managed a few weeks of cooking too. Not only did we make a delicious dessert but also pizza, a cake in a cup and scones.
We have done Map Symbol bingo as well as ordinary bingo, some origami, and various forms of treasure hunt. We had some regular Nature Quizzes and we kept an eye on the Osprey Chicks up in Scotland and watched them grow and leave their nest. We tried a wide range of quizzes and we had games on-line too. Hangman, Knife:Fork:Spoon, pictionary, who am I? Charades and more. We had biscuit faces !! good fun to watch but on the serious side we also had sixers forums and encouraged cubs to complete various badges such as Home Help, Gardener, Chef and also completed some Challenge Badges too.
Some snap shots below.

We even had someone make a short advert!
1st June 2020.
I am in the process of updating our badge awards. Even though we are still unable to have face to face meetings we have a an amazing pack that has continued to engage with scouting and have happily been working on badges at home. We have award recently 72 badges with more to come over the next few weeks. Well done guys.
We know that getting cubs on-line has involved a lot of parental assistance and for this we thank you.

April 2020
Hike to the Moon

On 23 April, BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief got together for their Big Day In on Radio and their Big Night In on TV. This was a massive fund-raising special to celebrate the incredible people making a difference in communities across the UK, and to support people who need it most during the coronavirus crisis. Scouts, along with friends and family, collectively walked more than 240,000 miles (the distance to the Moon), raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for the event.
A number of our cubs joined in as did some of the leaders.
Camp at Home
As there will be no camping this year we have been encouraging cubs and their families to Camp at Home. They can make a den and sleep in it, indoors, or camp outside if that option is available to them. Many of our cubs took this opportunity to have some fun and camped with siblings and parents. Some even taking part in a Record Breaking camping challenge, being part of over 60,000 people registering to camp at home on the 30th April. Cubs camped and also cooked in the morning and some had virtual camp-fires. One even had an outdoor cinemas, don’t ge that on cub camp!
February 2020
This month we invited a representative from Noah’s Ark Hospice to come and speak to the cubs. We wanted to present the money that we had raised over Christmas with our Smartie Challenge. We had a very nice presentation showing us the way that money donated can help the Hospice. We then presented a cheque for £269-02!

We followed this up with a few evenings considering the difficulties some people have if they have some kind of difficulty with eyesight or hearing or learning things. We have a go at learning some sign language too.
January 2020:
As Christmas is usually a very busy time for cubs we have a new year party rather than a Christmas party. We indulge in good old fashioned games and party fun.
December 2019
Just before Christmas we had an Escape Room evening. The cubs had to work there way round a series of “rooms” solving puzzles to escape and move on. With all the clues collected they had to work out which of Santa’s Elves wanted to cancel Christmas!
November 2019
This year our Remembrance day related activity involved visiting the War Memorial in the East Barnet Village. We had a look at names and dates and then discussed. The previous week we had looked at the role of animals in wartime. Perhaps you saw our poster. Looking at the types of animals that were used during both WW1 and WW11 and the types of jobs they did.
As we had been considering the role that animals played we combined this with a visit to our local vets. Thank you to Ralph and all the staff at the East Barnet Veterinary Surgery. It was a really interesting visit.
October 2019
This evening was all about nature. We made some “natural” artwork using natural materials. After this we had our annual conkers competition.
Winter Term 2019.
We have a steady number of cubs in the pack and have recently invested a few more. Welcome, Khalil and Jonny. We have also sent up 4 scouts to join the Troop and said goodbye to Aaron, Raf, Caden, and Lewis. Before they left us three of them managed to complete their Chief Scout Silver Award, (Raf, Caden, and Aaron), well done guys,but so too did Shekhinah and Bethia who will be with us until next year and will, therefore, get to wear this prestigious award on their cub uniform. Excellent job girls.
News Update March 2019.
We entered two teams into the District Swimming Gala on the 9th and the cubs did a great job. Out of 12 teams we came in 2nd and 3rd! A huge thank you and well done to: Marco. Caspar, Raf, Alvaro, Daniel, Aaron, Shekhinah, Savannah, Matteo, Savvas, Beulah, Eisa and Cameron.
A quick update on our Shoebox appeal. The people from TEECH have kindly sent some photo’s of our shoeboxes being handed out and have sent a presentation on the trip. TEECH Christmas Aid Delivery 2018-19 Presentation
Welcome to 2019.
We have been very busy this term. So far we have had a District Chess competition, invested 4 new cubs, celebrated Chinese New Year and completed our Home Safety Badge!
3rd Feb. Well done to our 1 1/2 (!) Chess teams. 6 cubs took part and did themselves and us proud. The event took place in our H.Q and we hosted 38 cubs from all over the District. No, they didn’t have to play their own team mates, this was just the warm up .
We extend a warm welcome to Eisa, Cameron, Tia and Anastasi our new cubs.
Yo can see our Chinese style Wishing Trees in the upstairs windows of the H.Q.
Happy Christmas 2018 from 11th Southgate Cubs !
End of term.
A big thank you to all of the cubs and parents that turned out for the Christmas Service on Sunday. It was lovely to see so many of you there. Congratulations to Marco Tsangari for completing his Chief Scout Silver Award. It was lovely to have it presented by our GSL.
Our last pack meeting of the year last night and so it was time for some fun and games. We had a run around first and then got out the board games. They loved it!
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. December 2018
A huge Thank You is deserved for all of the cub parents that helped with our fundraising efforts this term. We have been fundraising in a slightly different way as we have taken part in the TEECH Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. This a charity that that does a lot of work in Moldova and Romania and this year we have managed a superb 24 shoe boxes for children in poor rural communities in Moldova.
Click here to see the work that they do.
Well done everyone.
Cub Bowling 2018. November 2018.
The District Bowling competition came around again and as it was on a Thursday evening this replaced our Pack meeting on the 8th November.
We filled the maximum places allowed, with three teams of 8 cubs. I didn’t bill this as a competition and the teams were allocated on a friendship and time of arrival basis. A good time was had by all. However, one of the teams did well enough to finish with scores that put them in second place and we were therefore invited to enter a team, to represent Southgate District in the County Bowling competition.
County Bowling: 18th November.
One team of 8 required – but oh so hard to find cubs available. In the end we had team of 5 and they were allowed to make up three names and take it in turns to be a phantom cub!
I have not had any results through but I did hear that the team were commented on and praised for their good behaviour. Well done team, excellent effort and Thank You for representing your Pack and Southgate District so well!
Cub Trek 2018. November 2018
Yet again the original date for this event had to be cancelled due to bad weather. However, it was run on Sunday 4th November instead. Sadly this meant we were down to one team from two but the team did great. Originally the concept was for an 8K trek for cubs but this one (and without us going wrong !) was an 11K epic.
The weather was kind to us and the team soldiered on without any moaning or groaning. They were cheery all the way through our three and a half hour hike through the countryside. Everyone had a go and finding us on the map and giving our grid reference and taking bearing and headings. All along the route observation skills were brought in to play as the team had to look out for various signs and information too. They have achieved a lot and have been rewarded with a lot of badge work being ticked off for their efforts.
Well done team.
Scouts and WW1. October/November 2018
In view of this year’s special centenary we have spent a couple of evenings thinking about WW1 and in particular looked at the roles played by scouts during the war period. Scouts took on important and useful roles on the home front freeing up the men for duty. Some however, did sign up, even underage scouts. We also heard about the role of John Travers “Jack” Cornwell and how he stayed at his post in the most horrendous of circumstances, was injured and sadly lost his life. He was awarded the Victoria Cross and at the age of 16 was the youngest ever recipient. The Scout Association also has an award in his honour, the Cornwell Scout badge – The Cornwell Scout Badge is awarded in respect of pre-eminently high character and devotion to duty, together with great courage and endurance.
Have you seen our display?
New term and new activities.
Here, as promised, copies of notices recently sent.
Noahs ARK teech items A4 shoebox Xmas trees flyer 2018 Bowling 2018
Natural Artists! 4/10/18
5-a Side Football. 30/9/18
After a slow uptake we eventually entered two teams. Well done to all and especially well done to the team that won the “RIKKI” Trophy. I have included here the District report for this event. 5-a-side 2018[6812]
Scrap Heap Challenge 27/9/18
This evening was a lot of fun and a lot of mess! The cubs were given a range of different shapes and sizes of boxes and tubs, paper and tape and asked to work in small teams and be creative. This was the result!
Cub Water Activity Day. 9/9/18
This is an event that only happens every two years but it is a very, very good day out.
The cubs travel down to the base at Docklands by tube and DLR and then spend the day on the water and often in it! They get the opportunity to try sailing, canoeing and rafting. They learn some safety skills and complete requirements for a couple of badges. A few photos below. More to follow.
Cub Camp 2018 ! 29/6 – 1/7/18
The camp weekend finally arrived and what a weekend it was. It was HOT, very hot but it was also fun and exciting and full of laughter and new experiences. We had a great time.
What did we do? Well, we stayed up late, we got up early ( on the first morning at least!) some slept in tents with their friends for the very first time and probably had their first midnight feast, we played games in the woods, sometimes as it was getting dark so we could use our torches, we built shelters in the woods, we went on a hike and learnt how to use a compass, we had a go on the air rifle range, we played on a trampoline, we had water fights with water bombs and water pistols, we learnt about contour lines on maps, we had a fun competition, we played human table football, we just played games at times and had fun, we also leant how to use a tea towel – having had to wash up our own dirty plates ! Oh and not forgetting, we cooked our own lunch over a fire that we had built oursleves AND we had a great big camp fire in the evening and sat around and sung songs and listened to stories. We earned lots of badges too. Phew what a weekend ! Roll on next year.
Special congratulations go to Jack Sutcliffe and Harry Sclater who tied this year in our annual Super Cub Competition. Well done boys.
Group fun day / AGM.
The weather was very kind to us and we had a number of cubs and their parents join us for a day of fun activities. A picnic lunch and a few formalities.
The cubs had a go at a range of circus skills as did the parents. They also tried out caving – yes caving in a specially adapted bus so it was all very safe and great fun. The cubs then had a go at abseiling. Quite scary for some but everyone rose to the challenge. All in all a very good day out.
Cubs District Sports Day.
Very, very well done to the 11 cubs and their parents that turned out for this years Cub Sports Day. Typically, after all the nice weather we have had the rain started the minute we reached the field to set up. It continued practically until we left. BUT, as cubs scouts are hardy creatures, as are their parents, the event went ahead and we had some soggy fun. We had some wins and places in the heats and a couple of wins in the finals. We finished in 5th and 7th place in then but we joined in with good heart and good spirit.
Well done to all who took part.
Aaron, Reuben, Raphael, Max, Aleks, Marco, Shekhinah, Ilias, Sam, Edward and Caspar.
They have all gained their Athletics Badge for their efforts.
Martial Arts.
Thank you to Miranda Wood who came along on the 10th and took the pack through their paces with some Martial Arts training. Just a taster but the cubs all seemed to enjoy the evening.
County Chess
A huge THANK YOU to the 4 cubs, and their parents, that turned out on the Bank Holiday weekend to represent Southgate District at the County Chess Tournament.
We came third!.
Very well done, Bethia, Marco, Jeet and Martin. All of whom have achieved their Hobbies Badges.
St George’s Day.
It was good to have 17 cubs at this years event. Although the weather was damp and cold and dreary I think the cubs all had a good time. They had a go on at least 5 different activities during the morning and can therefore be marked up for completing activities for their Adventure Challenge Badge.
All Age Service.
It was good to see so many cubs at the Palm Sunday service. Thank you for your support. In particular a big thank you to those that took part in the service, you all did very well, especially those that filled in on the spur of the moment.
Cubs District Swimming Gala.
A huge thank you to everyone that supported us at this years Swimming Gala. We entered two teams 11K and 11W and the cubs did us proud finishing in second and fifth place . We had a number of first places finishers in both heats and finals and in particular our length swimmers did extremely well. Congratulations to all.
Just some of the team members with their certificates and medals.
Noahs Ark Update:
Just a quick update: By way of thanks to all members and parents that have generously supported our fund raising efforts for Noah’s Ark – we received an invitation to a ceremonial “first brick laying” event on Friday 15th March.
I am pleased to report that myself (Akela) and Pat Hewson (Bagheera) were able to attend and represent the 11th Southgate Scout group at this event. The weather stayed kind for us and the Noah’s Ark team expressed their sincere thanks to all.
Having said that – their work is not finished yet and this is an ongoing effort.
You can follow the progress on their web site and watch the time lapse video feed of the build!
You can also see a news item about our cub visit on the Noahs Ark web site:
Cubs District Chess Competition.
I have to confess that I was a little disapointed that we could only raise one team for this years event and we only just managed that! But what a team!
Huge congratulations to Jeet, Marco, Martin and Bethia who won this event and will now represent Southgate District in the County competition in May.
Thank you from Noah’s Ark.
A huge Thank you to everyone for their old £1-00 coins and generous donations. We were able to send off a cheque for £210-38p!
Do you think it would work for the old £10-00 notes 🙂
Dates for your diary.
I have put together a list of dates that has already been booked for cub related events for 2018.
You can view this list here: Dates for 2018 . But, do remember that you can find dates and details on the group calendar.
Emergency Aid Badge.
On Thursday 18th January we had a visit from the London Ambulance Service. A lovely lady called Suki came to visit and to speak to the cubs. The major focus of the evening was to teach them how they could help someone that had become unconscious. Teaching the cubs the mnemonic DR ABC ( ask the cubs what that stands for if you don’t know ). She brought out “little Annie” – or Bob as we called him and also spoke about the types of vehicles that the LAS have available to respond to calls and about when to call 999 and what information the paramedics would need to know. She also brought some uniform items for the cubs to try on. The sessions was very age appropriate and Suki kindly left us with booklets about the Ambulance Service and some little sticky bugs.
This was a very good evening, the cubs listened and responded well and I am sure they all learnt something. We will be following up with more sessions on Emergency Aid with the aim of getting all cubs through at least the first stage if not up to stage 2.
New Term – next District event.
Welcome to 2018. We have so far had a fun games evening an Investiture and a New Year Party!
Now down to work. We have the London Ambulance Service coming in to talk with the cubs. Looking forward to this. Look out for the report.
Our next District event will be the District Chess Competition on the 25th February so we are looking for teams of 4 cubs to take. Report and results will follow.
District Bowling Competition.
What a great evening. We had 24 cubs at this event and all had a fantastic evening. It was a District “competition” but was more a fun evening than anything competitive. Cubs were randomly allocated to lanes “teams”. At the end of the session though, one of our teams did come in third place with the others following closely behind. Our highest scorer for the evening was Angelo with 103 points, closely followed by Marting wiht 96 and then Sam and Raphael with 94.
Cub Trek:
Huge congratulations to all that took part in the Cub Trek event on Sunday 15th. The weather was kind to us it was dry and warm. My apologies to one team who had incorrect times – my mistake I had left details from the original date in place, making this a very long day.
This was a particularly long route 6+ miles and we were out for over 4hours. Everyone completed the course and in doing so have completed requirements for a number of badges – so it was well worth the effort!
From the attached pdf you will see that our teams finished 7th and 11th out of 14 teams. Not bad a result. Cub Trek on 15-10-17 results[3886]
Old £1-00 coins.
Many of us have the odd old style £1-00 coins left lurking in our pockets, purses and piggy banks. If you find the odd coin or two but cannot be bothered to get to the bank to pay it in – why not use it to help a very worthy cause. As you can see from below we have established a relationship with Noahs Ark Children’s Hospice and we would like to maintain this as an ongoing relationship.
That odd £1-00 coin that won’t even buy you a cup of coffee can help Noah’s Ark to help the children and the families that need their support. Help us to help them! I have left a jar in the H.Q for any donations that you might have.
Thank you!
New event – District Bowling Competition. Check the calendar – 9th November at Hollywood Bowl.
5-a-side Football!
We took part in the 5-a-side football competition and managed to win the Riki Trophy.
Congratulations and very well done to Jack Sutcliffe, Chrisovalantis Stavrou, Sam McLean, Efe Ulker, Shekhinah Gitu and Ivalyo Veslinov.
The Cub Trek 8 event was cancelled due to forecasts of terrible weather. This event has been postposted untill the 15th Ocotber.
New Terms starts 7th September!
Looking forward to seeing you all back for the Winter term.
Need replies in urgently for our next two District Events:
Cub 5-a-side Football and Cub Trek 8. all details on calendar.
Quick update – Megan from Noah’s Ark has written to thank you all for your generosity and included a certificate confirming the amount raised for the Hospice.
You generously raised the sum of £305-25
Last Pack Meeting of the Summer term.
What a lovely way to end the term. The pack met up at the Noah’s Ark E-centre in Byng Road, Barnet. 24 cubs and 15 parents were able to join us. We had a short introduction to what a Hospice is and what it does by Megan Evans one of the Community Fundraisers for the Hospice. Megan then explained how the generous donations from people can be used to help poorly children and their families and then told us about the new Hospice building that will be built on the site and how it and the gardens and environment centre will be used.
Everyone had a tour around the site and then the cubs returned to have a short story told by Megan using some of the sensory toys/aids that are used to help the poorly children join in and be a part of the story telling. The word for the evening really was “inclusive” and the cubs leant that this is something that the volunteers at Noah’s Ark really strive to achieve.
We had a lovely opportunity to end the evening handing out a few awards in the gardens,
including three Chief Scout Silver Awards. Congratulations to Jai, Kai and Evan.
The highlight of the evening was of course handing over all the “Smartie” tubes to Megan. The cubs had been treated to a tube of Smarties each but were then challenged to some good turns, to find ways to help people, hoping in return that they could elicit a small donation of 20p that would be given to Noah’s Ark. The tubes were all put into a bowl and handed over to Megan.
Including the sale of Poetry books – 11th Southgate Cubs and parents raised £305-25 for Noah’s Ark.
Well done everyone. Megan and the fundraising team are absolutely delighted and very grateful.
Practice Hike 8/7/17
On Saturday afternoon we had 13 cubs take part in a hike, around the local woods, to practice for Cub Trek 8.It was a relatively young group and I think they believed they were going for a walk , having a picnic and then walking back to the H.Q. The reality might have been a little bit of a surprise!
We kept for the most part in the shade and walked through the woods, stopping to take compass bearings and headings, looking a local map and trying to be observant about signs and notices and nature. The heat made it more tiring than it should have been but they all did fairly well and only a few complaints of “I’m tired, my feet hurt” and to be honest, I was thinking the same.
This will count towards their Hikes Away Badge’s and hopefully they did learn something along the way. They should all now be able to use a compass.
Cub Camp 2017.
We are pleased to report that we had a very successful weekend camp at Well End Activity Centre. 28 cubs camping overnight and 1 day visitor, so a fair sized camp.
The weather was kind to us – not as hot as the beginning of the week and apart from a few very short lived, minor showers, a dry weekend. We couldn’t ask for more.
We didn’t sleep much but we fired rockets, climbed the wall, shot some arrows, made some pictures, built some water carriers, enjoyed wide games in the woods, showed off our Astronaut skills and tasted some Astronaut food, had a (secret ) midnight feast, built some fires and cooked our own lunch, had a sing song and told jokes around a camp fire, ate so much food we could have burst and generally had a good time !
6 new cubs invested. 8th June 2017
Wow what a busy evening.
New Sixes, so lots of stripes to give out. Everyone had completed their Road Safety Badge – including our new cubs – so 30 badges to give out there, plus the Investiture. Fabulous!
District Sports Day – Cubs. 14th May 2017
On Sunday 1thth May the 11th Southgate entered two team into the Cub District Sports competition. The weather stayed fine for us and the cubs all put in their best efforts. We made it through to nearly every final of every event but sadly we did not win. The 11K team came in joint 4th with 30 points and the 11W team were just three points behind, finishing with 27 points. Well done everyone.
Group Fun Day/AGM. 13th May 2017.
We had just 10 cubs at the fun day but they all had a great time and reports back from parents were also very positive, everyone I have spoken to enjoyed the day. As you know our President Peter “Jumbo” Davis was also present and he too had a lovely day out. Here are just a few photo’s. The cub activities were: high ropes, go carts and Frisbee golf.
GLN County Chess Competition. Sunday 7th May.
On Sunday 7th May the 11th Southgate made up two of the 4 teams representing Southgate District in the GLN County Chess Competition. And, I am very proud and pleased ot report that we won! Yes one of out teams finished in 1st place, Barnet took 2nd place and another Southgate tem took 3rd palce.
I have not yet had the final scores in but both of our teams did really well. So huge congratulations to Kai, Marco, Jeet, Keiaron, Kyle, Matthew, Jai and Evan.
Happy St George’s Day everyone !
We hope that you had a good day – because we certainly did! A brilliant turnout of cubs and 11th Southgate in general. The weather was very kind to us and the cubs all had a wonderful day. Here are just a few of the things we got up to.
District Swimming Gala.
A quick well done to this years swimming team. A creditable 3rd place.
Well done everyone and many thanks to the Leaders for helping out on the night.
International Activity Badge.
Quick update on our International Badge – now finally completed. All we had to do was to learn about the Scout Emblem and its meaning. We did this in an arty/crafty way (!) by making the scout emblem with tissue paper. The results of which are on the wall of the H.Q. for all to see.
International Activity Badge.
A huge thank you is due to all the parents that volunteered to run bases for the cubs International Activity badge over two weeks in February.
We had bases on Sri Lanka, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Cyprus. The cubs had an “International Passport” in which they made notes as they travelled around the world.
The parents and an ex-scout all came well prepared with lots of interesting information and props. We were shown currency, clothes, spices, photos and much more, we tasted foods and heard so many interesting stories relating to these countries. The evenings were a huge success and with just a couple of small items left to complete – the cubs will all achieve their International Activity Badge and get credit towards their World Challenge Badge as well.
Once again a huge thank you to all that helped – the cubs all enjoyed learning about the different countries.
We did find that between the cubs and Leaders we have been to or had family originating from every continent! We stuck pins in places that parents/grandparents originated from or where we had been on holidays and found that we had covered most of the globe!
Southgate District Chess Competition. Sunday 5th February.
On Sunday 48 cubs from all over Southgate District met at our H.Q. for the District Chess Competition. 12 of those cubs were from the 11th Southgate! We fielded three teams and they all did very well. Congratulations to Oliver, Keiaron. Matthew, Kai, Evan, Jai, Jeet, Efe, Kyle, Marco, Casper and Martin.
The winning team had 597 points. We finished in 2nd, 4th and 9th places with 551, 465 and 354 points respectively.
The top three teams are definitely put through to represent Southgate in the County Chess Competition which is on the 7th May and so our team that finished in 2nd place will be there! and possibly the 4th placed team as well. I will notify the team members of the details when they come through.
National Renewal of Promise. Friday 16th December 2016
Up and down the country events were taking place to celebrate this special day. Our local event was arrange at the RAF Museum – Hendon. A number of cubs and leaders attended, representing our Pack and had a nice evening. We were able to walk around the museum before the main event and saw many interesting things.
At the allotted time 19:16 hours all the cubs gathered together and renewed their Cub Scout Promise. This was followed by a cake cutting ceremony and some photos. The cubs all had a “party bag” and they sat and devoured their sweets whilst watching a showing of the “The Jungle Book”. Thank you to all of those cubs that represented the 11th Southgate at this event, it was a great pity that we did not have more.
We had a Birthday Party!! Thursday 15th December 2016
The end of this special year was drawing ever closer and we were working on something that could be taken home and as a reminder of our 100th Birthday.
The cubs all chose a scene from the Jungle Book to colour in and all had their photos taken. With a bit of playing around we managed to get personalised Place Mats and Coasters made for every cub in the pack to take home and keep. To remind them of the friends that they had in our Cub Pack in 2016!
We also wanted to have some real birthday fun and so we had a good old fashioned Birthday Party with party games and food and drink and lots of laughter. We ended with a conga all around the building!.
We had so much fun that I forgot to take any photos!!! 🙁
A big thank you.
Thank you for your support for this years Poppy Appeal.
You managed to raise £70-71 in support of the work of the Royal British Legion.
Scrapheap Challenge – Thursday 10th October
Oh what fun we had!
A huge pile of assorted boxes, tubs, lids, paper, bubble wrap and more – large rolls of cello tape and loads of imagination.
The challenge was to make some kind of vehicle: We had a tank and a rocket powered robot, the International Space Station and a whole range of smaller constructions. Well done everyone and some good team work in evidence. Its a shame we didn’t have time to paint them as well 🙂
Cub District Bowling Competition – 15th October.
This was a fun morning with 10 cubs form our Pack taking part. We didn’t win but had lots of laughs and discovered that some of us need to build up some muscles. Those bowling balls are quite heavy!!!
Well done for joining in to : Kyle, Keiraon, Kyreese, Victor, Callum, Jai, Even, Kai, Fabio and Polly.
Fancy doing a badge in your own time???
Can’t find your badge book?
Follow this link to get all the details of all the badges that you can do in cubs ! Just click here:
Cub Trek 8 – District Orienteering Competition – 2nd October 2016
5 brave souls set out on this magical mystery tour on a pleasant Sunday morning. The weather stayed fine and everyone got involved, taking it in turns reading out the instructions, all working out headings and bearings and coming to a joint decision on the correct answer and trying to find out were we were on the map so as to be able to write down our map references.
In the end it took us 4 hours to complete the course – we were the last team back !!!
However, when the results all came in – we came joint second place with respect to the points given for getting the correct answers- fantastic effort! But sadly, as we only achieved 1 point for the time taken, 3 teams teams got back in just under 3 hours 🙁 our final position was 5th place out of 10.
The main thing is that the team all know how to use a compass and know how to read off grid references.
Another Hikes Away badge earned for everyone plus credits for team work and compass and map reading skills.
District 5-a-Side Football Competition – 25th September 2016
We started off very shaky losing our first game, the boys not being very confident with what they were doing. We squeezed in a training session to give them some self and team confidence. They then went on to give more than 100% to finish 2nd in their league with 2 wins, 1 draw and the unfortunate loss.
This did mean that they would take part in the top knockout competition. They were drawn against a very strong 6th Southgate team who had some very big 10 year olds. Our cubs fought hard only lose 6-3 in the semi final to the eventual winners. Efe being the most improved player, but all deserving to take home the man of the match trophy over the next weeks and months.
Credit was given for “being part of a team” and “representing our pack” so badge work getting marked up!
Well done boys.
Cub Water Activity Day – 4th September 2016
This is and always has been a very popular County organised event. It is only run every other year and all the packs in the County are invited to send cubs to take part. The cubs get to participate in 4 different activities on the water during the day and they are instructed in safety procedures and emergency procedures for each activity. This meant that they qualified for a number of badges namely: Nautical Skills, Paddle Sports and Time on the Water.
The weather held out for us, it was overcast but remained essentially dry which is more than I can say for the cubs! Although we had no “man overboard” situations this year they just could not go home without getting wet and they all proceeded to “jump” into the water before changing to head home.
A good day was had by all. We even bumped into “Jumbo”